Arrival in Houston, TX
We are all in Texas now. Josh & Sarah flew out yesterday with Pilots for Christ. Angel Lyn McNorton got them to Houston in about 2 hours. Judy, myself and the baby drove all day to meet them here. After a full day of labs and tests we checked into our Hotel for a good night sleep. Back to the hospital this morning to actually meet Dr Borthakur, he spoke with us about the disease and the treatment available.
According to his lab, Josh is somewhere between the Chronic & Accelerated phase. This means the Gleevec drug that we thought he would be taking is probably not strong enough to do the job. He mentioned 2 other stronger treatments that he wants to consider giving him. He will need to be put on the transplant list, and ultimately that will be the treatment of choice, but only after a few months of testing and waiting. He told us his research lab would be testing his blood over the weekend and would possibly be able to tell us more at his appointment Monday afternoon.
His white count is down to 3,000 now and he doesn’t want it to go any lower at this point, (4,000 to 12,000 is normal). The Dr. took him off the chemo drug he was taking until he can determine which treatment to go with. His red count is not coming up with the med’s they have given him, and he will probably need a transfusion at the next visit. The nausea has subsided for now and he has been able to eat today, and we’re planning on a good meal for him tonight.
Please continue to pray for us and that the Dr’s will have the knowledge to treat and heal his leukemia. Pray that our trip will be safe and we will be able to bring him home soon.
God Bless our Friends & Family for their support.